Hot Fitness Posts

How To: Do incline rows for lats

In this video, we learn how to do incline rows for lats. There is no substitute for pull ups if you want wide lats. This exercise is a great addition to add to pull ups to get a great workout and build muscle. To do this exercise, lay on an adjustable bench that is set on an incline. After this, hang your arms down and start to lift up the weights, raising them to your hips. Don't raise to your shoulder or this will start to build your upper back. Do as many of these as you can with an underh...

How To: Fix common workout mistakes

There are some simple techniques to correct common workout mistakes. You should look for cues, which come in forms such as lack or form or lack of engagement. Elastic bands and be used in order to help direct someone into proper form. This will give them resistance and help them to see/feel the proper motion. You should be further pushing them in the incorrect motion with resistance. Adding a heavy chain or a weight to the lower back during pushup is also an example. Resistance may be used wi...

How To: Do the splits with Tara Stiles

Tara Stiles teaches us how to do the splits in this tutorial. Remember not to do this all at once, stretch out your body first. To start, come into a downward dog position while bending the knees and straightening them and deep breathing. Now, bring a foot to the front and keep in this position until flexing the foot while sitting back near the other foot. Lean forward over your front leg, then repeat on the other side of the body. Come back into a downward dog, then do lunges to open up the ...

How To: Strengthen buns, abs, & thighs with Tara Stiles yoga

In this video, we learn how to strengthen buns, abs, & thighs with Tara Stiles yoga. First, stretch out your body on a yoga mat, then come into a downward dog position, raising your back legs in the air. After this, come into a warrior pose, except have both of your hands straight in the air while bending the knees. From here, come into the normal warrior pose, then stretch out both sides of the body by lifting opposite hands up in the air. Next, stretch out your legs as wide as they will go,...

How To: Reduce shoulder injuries with stabilizing exercises

In this video, we learn how to reduce shoulder injuries with stabilizing exercises. This will not build your muscle, but it will help prevent you from hurting your shoulder, which will cause you not to work out. The first exercise you can do is to lay on your side and place a folded towel underneath your elbow. After this, relax your body and prop your head up with your other hand. Now, grab a small weight and lift from the ground to slightly higher than horizontal. The next exercise you can ...

How To: Reduce anxiety using yoga with Tara Stiles

Tara Stiles teaches us how to reduce anxiety using yoga in this video. You can do this any time of the day, and it will help you relax and have some time for yourself. Start by sitting up against a flat surface, and rest your hands on your knees. Close your eyes for a few minutes, following your breath. The thoughts will still happen in your head, but try to focus on your breathe as much as you can. After you do this, take your body to the side and bring your arm around your head while lookin...

How To: Raise your metablism with yoga power poses

In this video, we learn how to raise your metabolism with yoga power poses. The style and level that you do while doing yoga poses can help you burn a lot of calories and sweat. You will work the larger muscles of your body, which will speed up your metabolism and help you burn calories all day long. You can start off with a downward facing dog position, then raising your back foot into the air and bringing it into the chest, switching between each leg. Doing these different yoga exercises ca...

How To: Use the reverse hyper to protect and rehab the back

In this video, we learn how to use the reverse hyper to protect and rehab the back. First, you need to lay down on the machine correctly. Make sure your core is out and your arms are holder the levers. Now, lift your legs up on the straps and slowly lower them down. Continue to do this as you work out, this will result in a great work out in just a few reps. As you continue to do this you will be able to do heavier weights. This will help protect your back from injury and get it back into shape!

How To: Double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, detox

Sadie teaches us how to double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, and detox. A great place to go is to your bathroom, people won't bother you for at least five minutes while you're in here, allowing you to calm down. This will help bring yourself back to center and cleanse your mind, calming down your brain waves. Start by breathing in for four counts through the notes, allowing the ribs to flair wide. Hold this for a moment, then exhale on eight counts from your mouth. Squeeze the belly...

How To: Do triceps presses for big arms

In this video, we learn how to do triceps presses for big arms. If you want big arms, you need to work on triceps more than biceps. You will take a barbell and leave your elbows motionless. You will lay down and push up with the barbell, holding it with a narrow grip. Make sure the elbows are in the same place as the hands. Another variation of this is to push the elbows forward 45 degrees so the bar comes down to the chin. Make sure your elbow stay in and your hands are narrow. If the elbows...

How To: Get started using Strala Yoga with Tara Stiles

In this video, we learn how to get started using strala yoga with Tara Stiles. This type of yoga combines different poses to help you achieve better health. Start off in the plank position on a flat surface, keeping here for several minutes while breathing deep. Keep your belly lifted, lift through the top of your head to the rest of your body. Doing these exercises can keep you healthy and motivated to do workouts and eat healthy during the week and weekend. This will help you relax and feel...

How To: Do three fast upper-body warm-ups

In this video, we learn how to do three fast upper-body warm-ups. The first warm up is jumping rope for three minutes, then doing 30 seconds on a foam roller. After this, use the foam roller against a wall and then again on the ground, working both sides of your body. Now do 10 reps of push ups, followed by five kneeling reaches on both sides of the body. After this, you will use exercise bands to pull weights and do these on both arms. After doing this for as many reps possible, you will be ...

How To: Build body core strength with yoga

In this video, we learn how to build body core strength with yoga. Start out seated on your yoga mat with legs crossed, then gently roll the body back and then to the front again. Remember to use your core strength during this, not your arms to help push and pull you. Hold your abs in to create resistance and strength in them. Continue this sequence by raising your body up and stretching out the different areas of your body. Use control and make sure not to strain your muscles while stretchin...

How To: Exercise to get 6-pack abs

In order to get 6-pack abs, the most important part of this process is to lose weight. You can do that by increasing cardio exercise and decreasing your caloric intake. There is an iPhone app that can help you called "LoseIt". It will keep up with your weight loss and your plan. It will tell you your calorie budget for the day. It keeps up with your calories. It keeps track of your food intake. It will keep track of your exercise.

How To: Do bent over rows for lats

In this video, we learn how to do bent over rows for lats. All you need to do these is a barbell, so it's easy to do at home. Start by bending over with your back straight, then lift up the barbell slowly with your palms facing forward. Make sure the movements are smooth and you aren't going too quickly, which will hurt the muscle. Make sure you aren't pulling the bar up to your shoulders, this will not be working your lats. Also, if you are lifting while doing squats, this is a dead lift and...

How To: Improve your yoga with the hara breath

In this video, we learn how to improve your yoga with the hara breath. Start by sitting down on your yoga mat and become centered in your body. You will start to breathe in different poses by placing your hands underneath your navel. Close your eyes and envision the center of energy that's in your body. Close your eyes and deep breathe, inhaling and screening energy into your body. Feel your body fueling up with energy and block out all the negative thoughts from your mind. As you do this, fe...

How To: Do a workout for teens

In this video, we learn how to do a teen workout for ages 10-17. The first exercise you can do to warm up is lift a barbell on both arms while leaning down. Then, do sets of twenty push-ups and go back to dumbbell arm raises. After this, use push-up stands to do more push-ups, going slowly and keeping the body stiff. Next, lay down flat on the ground and raise up two dumbbells with each hand above you, going slowly and keeping arms straight. Next, using a wide grip, do pull ups on a bar for a...

How To: Kick start a new fitness routine with Kung Fu

In this video, we learn how to kick start a new fitness routine with Kung Fu. This exercise is a workout that you will not get bored of. You are always doing something new with Kung Fu and it burns a ton of calories. These workouts are rigorous and combine strength training, endurance training, and really work out your body. The classes start out with yoga, then they start getting your heart rate up by working out hard. If you can't get to a class, you can do this at home by doing loose kicks...

How To: Start doing pull-ups

In this video, we learn how to start doing pull-ups. First, stand up while you pull down on the machine at a weight you can handle. After this, do wide lat pulls using a weight that is heavy for you, but you can still handle. Next, do seated row exercises in sets to where you can't do anymore of them. Low cable rows are your next exercise, making sure you have the right form while doing them. Start to do W's next, while sitting down on your knees and using control with your arms. After this, ...

How To: Prevent many common workplace injuries

Sometimes we don't realize that some of our most common tasks are actually a major risk for our bodies, and before you know it, you have some sort of injury, like tendonitis. This video will give you the tips that you'll need to help you prevent some of the most common workplace injuries.

How To: Get a flatter stomach

Want to cut down on belly flab? Do you want a flatter, more attractive stomach? Use these workout tips to improve your abs! You can do a few of these exercises, like crunches or sit-ups, each day, and you'll be a regular fitness guru in no time!

How To: Do a successful handstand step by step

We remember doing our first hand stand. Well, okay, we remember toppling over after our first hand stand and falling flat onto our rump. The hand stand is one of those holds that looks not too hard to do when those who are good with it perform it, but when you try it yourself you find your ego bruised and butt sore.