Active Fitness Posts

How To: Do step aerobics

Step aerobics are performed for cardio fitness and weight loss using an elevated platform. Classes are offered for all skill levels. Learn how to do step aerobics in this exercise tutorial. When doing step aerobics you should get an aerobic stepper, use entire foot to step up & down, keep an eye on the step, tap it out to rest and be safe. With this how to video you can do step aerobics for a more effective workout.

How To: Do a yoga arm balance crow pose

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a arm balance crow yoga pose. Begin by twisting your wrist back to face your fingers to your knees. Feel a deep stretch and take about 5-8 deep breathes. Then go into an easy forward bend, with your hip-width apart and your knees bent. Place your hands flat onto the floor and tuck your chin into your chest. In that position, move forward by looking up and going onto the balls of your feet. Then return to the starting position. This video will be...

How To: Do a flutter kick ab exercise

Flutter kicks are often used to work the lower abs. Generally, flutter kicks are performed at the end of an abdominal workout when the abs are fatigued. In reality, this exercise does very little for abdominal development. The main muscles worked are the hip flexors. So if you are trying to get the most out of your abs workout, there are better options.

How To: Tone abs with a side-pillar bridge exercise

Men's Health shows you a great exercise to build your core. A well built core equals toned abs. Lie on your side with your forearm on the floor under your shoulder with your feet stacked together. Push your hip off the floor creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder, keeping your head inline with your spine.