Doing a low back relief exercise can make your body feel more relaxed, and stretch out your muscles. First, lay down on your back with your arms at a T, and cross your right leg over your left. Deep inhale and when you exhale, let your knees drop to your right. As you are doing this, turn your left pinky finger to the wall behind you. When you inhale, go back to your regular position. The left shoulder should stay down and the outer edge of the left foot should go up to the ceiling. Keep...
We all know that at thend of a looooonng workday, there's nothing better than faceplanting your bed and blocking it all out until it starts all over again tomorrow.
The heron pose in yoga was created expressly to introduce yoga beginners into the intense hamstring stretches that characterize almost all yoga exercises and to keep yoga veterans lithe and Gumby-like.
One of the most important skills to imbue into young athletes is how to run properly. This will improve their linear speed and enable them to excel no matter what sport they play. This video demonstrates some training drills that you can do with your young athlete to teach them to run properly and quickly in a straight line.
The name Cow Face pose has probably got you asking, what does this yoga pose do? What doesn't it do? Find relief from back pain, improve flexibility in the neck and shoulders, feel invigorated and calm by practicing Gomukhasana, or Cow's Face pose.
If tension is bothering you, take some time to relax and let the stress melt away by practicing the Reversed Corpse pose, or Adavasana. This simple exercise can help you relax your body and mind, by focusing on your breathing you will find relief from stress and tension.
If you are interested in rejuvenating your tired legs, relieving your varicose veins, or simply finding the right pose for meditation, watch this video and learn how to sit in the Swastikasana, or Ausipicious Pose. This pose will strengthen your legs and increase flexibility.
Bring your body into balance as your improve your fitness and flexibility by practicing yoga. This pose, called Saithalyasana or Animal Relaxation Pose, is an excellent stretch for the low back, hamstrings, and hips. This video will teach you how to improve your posture, gain flexibility, and find balance of body and mind.
If you are looking for a low impact exercise with tremendous benefits, consider exploring yoga. This pose, called Janu Sirasanasa, or Head to Knee pose, will stretch and strengthen your back, legs, core and internal organs. Practicing yoga can also bring calm and clarity to the mind.
Let me share some great information on stair climbing and how it can provide many health benefits. Burn more calories stair climbing that jogging or running. See how in the video. If you enjoy the video and would like to see more, please hit the subscribe button. I hope this helps!!
This is for people who are already proficient at doing basic pull-ups and chin-ups and want to take their training to the next level. It's also pretty funny for anyone who enjoys a bit of gym humor.
In this how to video, I discuss three different exercises that have really helped me to tone my waistline. Although you cannot specifically target different fat deposits while dieting, it is still important to perform these exercises to give your core and waist that aesthetic look. These exercises have given me great results, but a solid diet and a good training program is also extremely important to sculpting your body. Enjoy!
My name is Wallace Rios and I am a registered fitness professional that has been working in the fitness industry for over 15 years. I have studied Certificate III and IV in fitness. I am currently involved in studies investigating sex benefits on an exercise ball.
I am a runner and have been running with a group of US Marines. They have convinced me to start working out my upper body, along with my running legs. I also like to build things. I have a three and a half foot by seven foot room in my basement, and turned it into a weight machine room. I built an elevator that I can fill with nine pound paver stones. The elevator cable goes over a series of pulleys that allow me to do four different upper body exercises.
Yoga posturing sequences are a succession of postures intended to flow together, one following the next. This is most commonly referred to as vinyasa or a personal yoga flow. Use these relaxing poses to release tension and stress from the entire body. Remember, the key to yoga is gentle, deep breathing and a clear mind.
We all know that staying motivated to work out can be more daunting than performing the actual exercises. Life gets in the way or the build-up of lactic acid convinces us to take a break and this makes it easy to lose sight of our fitness goals. But do not despair! Here are some simple but effective ways to make sure that you finish strong.
New to the Powertec Workbench Multisystem? Then let Team Powertec athlete Ian Lauer show you some basic moves for athletic development. He also discusses the importance of sports training and how regular training can help improve your game. There are a lot of exercises out there, but you need to use the right exercises with the right amount of weight and proper movements in order to be fully functional on the field.
When you train, don't just aim to grow big, but rather aim to be functional once you've reached your greatest physique. Weight training isn't only applicable to bodybuilding; it helps you achieve the physique you have always wanted. In the video below, Team Powertec athlete Ian Lauer shares a few tips on triceps training using the Powertec Workbench Multisystem.
A certified strength and conditioning specialist, demonstrates the fat burn circuit with the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. He talks about maintaining muscle, gaining muscle, and losing fat with the right set of workouts. In this workout, you will need to use a circuit which involves moving from one exercise to another and doing everything in the same order several times in a row.
This video guide demonstrates the best back exercises to use with the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. A lot of people focus more on training the chest and forget about the importance of developing the back muscles - creating an odd posture. This doesn't only look odd but also makes you more susceptible to injury. Be sure to use exercise equipment properly, otherwise you risk hurting yourself.
Do you own a Powertech Workbench? If you do, learn how to exercise effectively while using the Powertec Workbench Multisystem in this walkthrough of the system. This tutorial will demonstrate how to make sure that every rep counts rather than just counting each rep. With appropriate technique, you will get the best out of your training session.
One of the top fitness models and Powertec athlete Rob Riches, demonstrates timing and tempo using the Powertec Workbench Multisystem. He emphasizes the importance of both factors in your workout for building more muscle and mass as they both effect your speed and your power. Apply this to your regular workout set and feel the difference.
This how-to video is for anybody looking to gain lean muscle right in the convenience of your own home with little to no equipment. The intensity and variety of these exercises makes for an effective muscle-building workout.
Perfecting the right headstand pose in yoga can be a complicated process. You need to be sure that you are practicing the right procedures before you accomplish the headstand so that you do not hurt yourself and so that you can hold the yoga pose for the full duration. This segment will help guide you into it safely.
The abdominals can be considered one of the best signals of fitness and strength and is one of the most sought-after muscle groups to develop by both men and women. While the abdominals are very desirable, it can be one of the most difficult areas to distinguish and maintain. This article's purpose is to give you the hard truths, advice, and workout for gaining a hard body and new look.
Consistently used in many forms of physical training, the push up has been considered one of the best physical tests of muscular fitness and endurance. Namely known for its use in the military as well as other physically demanding activities such as boxing and the martial arts, the push up is necessary for any physical examination in which many struggle with.
If you want to plank, you need core strength. Take your planking to the next level by practicing the exercise shown in this video. How do you know this exercise will help your planking? Well, it's called the plank so that's a good start.
The Power Plate is a high tech piece of exercise equipment. Make sure you know how to use it before you start your workout. This video will explain how to use the control panel of the Power Plate to prepare for your workout
Bones are involved in a constant dynamic process of degeneration and regeneration. The various cells include bone-making osteoblasts (which mature into osteocytes), and osteoblasts, which are involved in dissolving bone. As the bones break down, they release minerals which are carried in the blood to various sites -for example, calcium helps skeletal, heart and involuntary muscles to contract. Dissolved bone tissue is immediately replaced by new crystals derived from fresh blood coming into the...
Want to know what lifts the Navy SEALs do? Check out this video to learn how to build real strength, with just three simple exercises. Good form is important in powerlifting, so make sure you know what you are doing before you start an exercise.
If you've ever tried to climb a rope before, you know it's not easy. Learn how the Navy SEALs do it. This video shows you how to climb a rope for fitness and strength, along with a couple other exercises that develop extreme stamina and power.
A strong core is the key to a healthy, strong body. And who knows more about core strength than the elite Navy SEALs? Check out this workout video to learn three simple exercises that will get your abs, lower back, glutes, and more in top shape.
Wheel pose, also known as Chakrasana is one the most famous poses in yoga. It is well known because it delivers many benefits, ranging from improved strength and flexibility of the back, legs and arms to relief of hormonal imbalances.
Halasana, the plow pose, is an excellent strengthener of the back and neck. Practicing this pose will keep your spine flexible and healthy. This is an advanced pose, so pay close attention to this video to learn how to do it successfully.
Are you looking to slim down and get fit? Want to get rid of your annoying love handles? Add the woodchopper to your routine and improve your core strength and overall fitness. This video provides a clear demonstration of the proper technique for this rotational exercise using a free weight for resistance.
Everyone is wondering about all these weight loss tips. Sometimes it seems like a acute information glut about working out. Anyways, if your anything like me, you like to keep it simple. Here are a few easy tips on how to lose weight, and improve your heart function too.
Yoga Body Naturals shows you how to use yoga to improve your balance! This video shows you the proper way to do leg extensions, which will also help strengthen your body core in addition to helping you with your balance.
This quick video by Yoga Body Naturals shows you how to correctly assume the Eagle pose, a pose that not only helps improve your balance but will also help to demonstrate the importance of proper breathing when you're practicing yoga.
In this video, expert yoga teacher Kay Bray shows you how to correctly assume what's called a dancer's pose when practicing yoga. This pose will not only help improve your balance, it will also help focus, strengthen and extend your body.
Yoga has been found to provide a wealth of benefits to those who practice it. This video shows you how to assume one of the poses in yoga, the crow pose. Using this pose will help improve your balance, especially as this pose makes use of your arms.
Practicing yoga has many known health benefits, and this video shows you how to master what is called the Warrior 3 pose. This pose teaches you how to engage all your body's muscles for the purposes of improving your balance.
This exercise will help work out both your lats and your core abdomnial muscles! You will need an assortment of dumbbells for this exercise to work. Don't forget to stretch, and always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen!
There is no real shortcut for opening up your hips when practicing yoga - you just have to find the technqiue that works best for you, and perfect it. This tutorial shows you a few different methods you can use to open up your hips.